What did I do?

This week, I created a CI script that adds data to the mismatch database whenever a pull request updates a particular directory. Additionally, I wrote documentation on the steps for adding data to the mismatch database and a demo pull request that explains how to contribute to it.

I have introduced a flag feature that allows users to use their own database as well as their own data directory.

I had planned to write tests for the mismatch database this week, but some of the tests were failing due to a faulty cache and some unresolved bugs. As a result, I wasn’t able to complete this task. I’ll be working on it in the upcoming week.

What’s coming up next week?

For the upcoming week, I plan to:

  • Write initial test to check script’s functionality.
  • Tests for purl2cpe database.
  • Work on reviews.

Signing off for now! Catch ya’ next week ;)